
Open release varieties available for planting are listed below. These varities have a tree royalty and can only be propagated through licensed nurseries. There are no restrictions on tree numbers or marketing.
Cherry Gala
Cherry Gala is a Royal Gala mutation that was discovered in New Zealand. Its full red colour and underlining stripe, sweet, crisp texture makes Cherry Gala an exciting prospect. Its tree form and cropping characteristics is similar to other Gala selections. Cherry Gala has now been successfully evaluated in China and has shown the same high qualities as seen back in New Zealand (photo taken in Malong, Yunnan). Cherry Gala has recently been granted Plant Breeder Rights protection.
Trees can be ordered from Haisheng Nursery in Xian and from Salver Agriculture Co Ltd in Shandong. There are no restrictions on the planting or sales of this tree. A tree royalty of 2RMB plus local taxes is charged on each tree sale.
Reddy Robin
® PremP109cv
PremP109 is a crisp textured interspecific pear with a yellow background colour and red blush: the distinctive appearance of these pears is an important point of difference from other crisp textured pears currently available in market.
Decisions on harvest timing are critical for optimising colour without compromising on storage quality and durability.
The red pear has received excellent reviews in China for its flavour and colour profile. Trees can be ordered from Salver Agriculture Co Ltd in Shandong. There are no restrictions on the planting or sales of this tree. A tree royalty of 12Rmb plus local taxes is charged on each tree sale.